Custom Mounted Canvas Prints


From your original art or a favorite photo, create a customized canvas print or gallery wrap.

Canvas prints make for an ideal gift to display in the home or at the office. Sizes range from 8" x 10" to 36" x 48".

Our canvas prints are printed with pigment inks on 24 mil 100% cotton canvas designed for long term, fade resistant museum quality canvas prints. The water resistant coating is universally compatible and provides a wide colour gamut and vivid colour. Ideal for photographic prints, artistic reproductions and museum art.

We apply a satin varnish to protect, preserve and enhance your prints. The canvas varnish inhibits harmful ultraviolet light and protects against moisture and abrasion.

Each canvas print is then carefully stretched and stapled by hand around very sturdy wooden stretcher bars.

You have a choice of using our 3/4" stretcher bar (our default stretcher bar) or our 1 3/8" stretcher bar. If you prefer to stretch the canvas print yourself, you have the option of just the canvas print without a stretcher bar.

NOTE: All templates incorporate an “Image Wrap”. If you do not want the image to wrap, please contact David Pollock at

Ready to print? Take advantage of our online ordering!

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