

For a simple menu, we simply print on card stock. To preserve your menu from constant cleaning, the menu is printed on paper stock and then 10 mil gloss laminated. Another option, a menu is printed directly on 10 or 14mil polyester plastic and the UV coated for cleaning purposes. It is recommended to round corner laminated and polyester plastic menus due to the sharp corners.


Various stock available to fit your ideas. 

Sizes Available

Trim Size: 8.5” x 11”
Bleed Size: 8.75” x 11.25”

Trim Size: 9” x 12”
Bleed Size: 9.25” x 12.25”

Trim Size: 11” x 17”
Bleed Size: 11.25” x 17.25”

Trim Size: 12” x 18”
Bleed Size: 12.25” x 18.25”


Full colour, digital dry inks single or double sided, full bleed is not a problem. Specialty Embellishments with Gold and Silver digital dry inks.


Custom sizes available! Inquire for a cost estimate.

Ready to print? Take advantage of our online ordering!

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