Fine Art Canvas Prints


Turn your original art or favourite photo into a Canvas Print! Canvas prints make a great display in the home or office. Sizes range from 8" x 10" to 40" x 60".

Our canvas prints are printed with pigment inks on 19 mil, Acid Free Base canvas designed for long term , fade-resistant, museum-quality canvas prints. The prints provide a wide colour gamut and vivid colour that is ideal for photographic prints, artist's reproductions and museum art.

We apply a satin varnish to protect and preserve. The varnish inhibits harmful UV light and protects against moisture and abrasion. Each canvas print is then carefully stretched and stapled by hand over very sturdy wooden stretcher bars.

Choice of 3/4" or 1.5" stretcher bars.

Canvas prints destined for shipping are available with no stretcher bars if requested.


Tel: 778-405-2963

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